Java Programming
- Java introduction
- Java installation
- Simple Java program
- Java comments
- Eclipse installation
- Basic understanding of Eclipse editor
- Videos for Eclipse
- Java data types
- Wrapper classes in Java
- Non-primitive data types
- Difference between String and StringBuffer
- Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
- Java enums
- Java variables
- Java if-else statement
- Java switch statement
- Java for loop
- Java while loop
- Java do-while loop
- Java arrays
- Java date and time
- Java files
- Properties class in Java
- Generate random data using functions
- Java naming conventions
- Collections in Java
- Generic methods
- Final keyword in Java
- Try, catch, finally blocks
- finalize() method
- Java OOP
- 3 ways to initialize object
- Java static method
- Constructors in Java
- Access modifiers in Java
- Inheritance in Java
- this keyword in Java
- Super keyword in Java
- Polymorphism in Java
- Difference between method overloading and method overriding in Java
- Abstract class in Java
- Interface in Java
- Difference between abstract class and interface
- What is downcasting in Java?
- What is the purpose of a private constructor?
- What is a marker or tagged interface?
- What is object cloning in Java?
- Serializable interface
- What is aggregation in Java?
- What is object class in Java?
- What is class and package?
- Difference between throw and throws in Java
- Java exception propagation
- Explain checked and unchecked exceptions in Java with examples
- How can you write custom exceptions?
- What is an anonymous class?
- How to create an immutable class?
- What are immutable classes in Java?
- The static modifier
- Can outer class be private or protected in Java?
- Difference between throws and try catch
- What are command line arguments?
- Explain concrete class
- What is a garbage collector in Java?
- What is the thread life cycle?
- What is thread, what is thread class and how to create thread class?
- What is synchronization?
- Java interview questions